Friday, September 30, 2011

Computer Questions For PO exams

1. Operating System is

(A) Hardware
(B) Software
(C) Storage Media
(D) None of the above

2. Booting is a process to

(A) Load DOS
(B) Switch 'ON' the Computer
(C) Load the memory
(D) None of the above

3. To restart the Computer press

(A) Ctrl+Z
(B) Ctrl+Alt+Del
(C) Tab+Alt+Del
(D) Shift+Ctrl+Tab

4. Active Window means

(A) The active window is designated by a different color toolbar than other open windows.
(B) The window that is currently open
(C) Both a and b above mentioned.
(D) The window that is last used.

5. A bitmap is

(A) Is a format which windows use for desktop wallpaper.
(B) A graphic file format made up of small dots.
(C) A specific kind of bitmap file with the .BMP extension.
(D) All of the above.

6. The extension of Batch file is

(A) .Doc
(B) .BTC
(C) .BPC
(D) .BAT

7. The file that executing at the time of Booting

(A) Autoexec.Bat
(B) ABC.txt
(C) windows.bat
(D) Start.bat

8. BIOS stands for

(A) Basic Input Output Services
(B) Big Integrity of System
(C) Base Interface Outerface System
(D) None

9. DISK operating system is a

(A) Single user operating system
(B) Multi user operating system
(C) Multi programming operating system
(D) All of the above

10. RAM stands for

(A) Random Access Memory
(B) Random All Memory
(C) Rise All memory
(D) Random Access MemoryChip

11. The DOS system files have the extension

(A) .SYS
(B) .BAT
(C) .BTC
(D) .INI

12. A cursor is

(A) To make a selection from the document and duplicate it on the clip-board
(B) A symbol that designates the position on the screen where text of codes
will be inserted or deleted.
(C) Pressing and holding the main mouse button
(D) A button in a dialog box.

13. A dialog box is a one

(A) Which is a sort of on-screen from where you can fill in the blanks, make selections
from lists and chose various combinations of options and settings.
(B) In which you can connect to another Internet user and establish an audio and video
contact using Microsoft Word.
(C) In which you can give verbal commands to Microsoft Word menu.
(D) All of the above.

14. What is Active Desktop

(A) A term that is synonymous with viewing our desktop as a web page.
(B) A feature to customize your desktop to display information you can
update from the Internet.
(C) A software
(D) Both a and b above mentioned

15. DBMS stands for

(A) Direct Base Management System
(B) Double Base management System
(C) Database Management system
(D) Double Boom Managed System

16. Which one is not an Operating System?


17. A VIRUS is

(A) Software Program
(B) Hardware
(C) Simple Machine
(D) Code

18. VIRUS can be spread by

(A) Networks
(B) Modem
(B) PAN drive
(D) All of the above

19. NORTAN is an

(A) Software
(B) Anti virus
(C) Language
(D) Code

20. The primary goal of DBMS is
(A) Store information
(B) Retrieve information
(C) both (1) and (2)
(D) None of the above

21. Which one is not the option of multi user operating system?
(D) Netware

22. The term BOOT refers to:
(A) Start up a computer
(B) Loading Software in computer
(C) Managing memory of Computer
(D) All of the above

23. What is HTML?
(A) It is developed for world wide web(www).
(B) Used for all the formatted documents.
(C) To make formatted web documents with links, those can be viewed in Web Browser.
(D) All of the above

24. What is an icon?
(A) It is some action performed when some thing like menu or button clicked.
(B) It is small graphical image which is used to represented an application command, or a tool.
(C) both a and b
(D) A folder

25. Which of the following is not a Web Browser?
(A) Internet Explorer
(B) Opera
(C) MS Excel
(D) Netscape

26. Which device is used to connect your computer with a telephone line so that can access
information from other servers and ordinary users?
(A) Set Top Box
(B) Modem

27. MICR stands for?
(A) Magnetic Ink Character Reader
(B) Main Image Character Reader
(C) Magnetic Ignore Character Reader
(D) Magnetic Ink Chrome Reader

28. Read only memory is
(A) Volatile
(B) Non-Volatile
(C) Both-1 & 2
(D) None

29. GUI stands for
(A) Graphical User Interface
(B) Graphical User Internet
(C) Graphical User Interanet
(D) None of these.

30. In windows operating system document by default saves in
(A) My Documents
(B) Desktop
(C) My Computer
(D) None of the above

31. Cursor is a
(A) Thin blinking line
(B) Pixel
(C) Pointing device
(D) None of the above

32. All deleted files stores in
(A) Recycle Bin
(B) My Computer
(C) Folder
(D) My Documents

33. Internel Commands are stored in
(C) CD
(D) Floppy DISK

34. While choosing an operating system, we must keep in mind
(A) Basic design of computer
(B) Method of communication
(C) Method of operating system
(D) All of the above

35. CPU can directly understand this language (A) C
(B) C++
(C) Assembly
(D) Java

36. All windows setting are stored in this file
(A) Windows.ini
(B) Win.ini
(C) Start.ini
(D) Startup.bat

37. Compilers are
(A) Both OS and Hardware dependent
(B) Only OS dependent
(C) Only Hardware dependent
(D) Cannot be generalized for all compilers

38. Router is a networking equipment used for
(A) Routing e-mails
(B) Routing IP datagrams
(C) Maintaining telephonic connections
(D) Fiber optics links

39. A program written in high-level language is a
(A) Compiled program
(B) Object program
(C) Source program
(D) All of these

40. A processing complex consisting of two or more interconnected computers
(A) Computer network
(B) Control program
(C) Cybernetics
(D) None of these

41. A high level language developed for business data processing application

42. Language which can easily interact with the hardware are called
(A) High level languages
(B) Low level languages
(C) Middle level languages
(D) None of these

43. How many bits are there in ASCII codes
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 16

44. Buffering in printers is necessary because
(A) Computer is fast in generating data for printing then printer can print it.
(B) There is not enough memory is provided with printers
(C) It is only because to make printer work for mores years
(D) Both a and b

45. Which of the following is not a logic gate
(B) OR

46. When we purchase a product over a Mobile Phone, the transaction is called
(A) Web Commerce
(B) E-Commerce
(C) M-Commerce
(D) Mobile Purchases

47. Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation?
(A) Lars Ellison
(B) Bill Gates
(C) Dennis Ritche
(D) Linux Torvalds

48. Computer software includes:
(A) Application Programs
(B) Operating System Programs
(C) Packages Programs
(D) All of the above

49. Machine Language
(A) Is the language in which programs were first written
(B) Is the only language understood by the computer
(C) Differs from one type of computer to another
(D) All of these

50. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in the Graphical User Environment?
(A) Keyboard
(B) Mouse
(C) Joystick
(D) Trackball

1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.A
11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C
21.C 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.C 26.B 27.A 28.A 29.A 30.A
31.C 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.B 40.A
41.B 42.A 43.A 44.D 45.C 46.B 47.A 48.D 49.D 50.C

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